__      __   _                    _           _                
\ \    / /__| |__ ___ _ __  ___  | |_ ___    /_\ _  _ ___ _  _ 
 \ \/\/ / -_) / _/ _ \ '  \/ -_) |  _/ _ \  / _ \ || / _ \ || |
  \_/\_/\___|_\__\___/_|_|_\___|  \__\___/ /_/ \_\_, \___/\_,_|
'Ayou' allows you to create a custom avatar, complete with memories and stories. These memories constitute the 'knowledge domain' of your avatar. Each avatar knows the domains of all the other avatars in the system, and can, entirely independently, make decisions about whether to consult them for information to use in a conversation. Give your avatar memories and emotions, chat to it, or chat woth other avatars.'

 _  _     _                  _    _                  _ ___ 
| \| |___| |_   _ _ ___ __ _(_)__| |_ ___ _ _ ___ __| |__ \
| .` / _ \  _| | '_/ -_) _` | (_-<  _/ -_) '_/ -_) _` | /_/
|_|\_\___/\__| |_| \___\__, |_/__/\__\___|_| \___\__,_|(_) 

built by nimchimpski